
ISF Word Scooter Championship 2022

The ISF World Championship – International Scooter Federation – finally happened after being postponed far too many times due to the pandemic.
The big event was at the Tinnel Memorial Sport Park in Lake Havasu, Arizona USA from October 13-16.

Our riders Archie Cole and Maty Pekarek travelled to the US to show their best runs – with great success!!!

For Maty Pekarek, it was the first finals and he needed to overcome the Last Chance Qualifier to get into the finals. But our two riders managed to convince the judges with their technically challenging tricks and made it to the top:

Archie Cole – 3rd place

Maty Pekarek – 12th place

If you’re wondering what these two guys experienced during the finals, you can check it out in their vlog that our content creator Dustin created during their visit in the US:

13.10.2022 – 16.10.2022